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Worship Services

Our YouTube Channel
With a library of services, music videos, stories, and the occasional puppet show.

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11 am, Sundays

Here's what to expect.
Whether you are new to the Baptist church - or perhaps new to church at all - here is some information on Port Hope First Baptist that we hope you find useful!

So, how does a Sunday service work?

The Sunday gathering starts at 11am and usually lasts about 75 minutes. We operate according to our local HKPR Health Unit's covid mandates (with regard to masking etc. when required). We serve coffee and treats after the service to give everyone a chance to meet and visit (it's hard to connect with people when you're sitting in rows looking at the backs of heads!). 

I don't really sing. Do I have to sing? What's with all the singing?

Singing is a part of Christian worship gathering for a few reasons. Truths and messages of praise put to music are easier to remember. Music also touches our emotions and souls in ways that few other things can. God's Spirit works through music to speak to us deeply. And singing together brings us together as a community. So we sing ancient tunes that have stood the test of time, along with new songs written today. (If you're still not sure about singing, that's fine. Listen and enjoy!)

Do I have to dress up?

It's your call. Dress how you feel comfortable - whether t-shirt or tie. Our focus is to connect with God on the inside, not how we look on the outside.

I have kids and teens. Can they come?

All ages are welcome. We have people in our church as old as two and as young as 93!

What is a Sunday service like?

Well, like we said before we worship by singing together. We read a number of portions of scripture, believing that God’s Word is relevant and powerful. We pray together as a church family for our needs. We worship by giving in the offering box by the door (if you’re just checking us out, don’t feel obliged to give). Finally, we hear a message from God’s Word, designed to be relevant, challenging and inspirational (because God’s Word is all of those things).

Anything else I should know?

Oh yeah, thanks for asking! The first Sunday of every month we celebrate Communion. Similar to the Eucharist in other traditions, we take time to focus on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for us and what it means to us today.

The last Sunday of every month is Soup Sunday. Instead of coffee and snacks after the service, we welcome everyone who can stay to join us for soup and desserts in the lower auditorium. It’s a great time to meet new people and visit old friends … and it’s free! And delicious!

First Baptist Port Hope
59 John St.
Port Hope, Ontario L1A 2Z3

© 2022, First Baptist Port Hope

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